MECAXON simulates the conduction of electro-physiological pulses and mechanical pulses in neuronal axons, as well as the interactions between two pulses.
Main features of the code:
- Solved by finite element method in Matlab
- Capable of modelling the conduction of both electro-physiological and mechanical pulses in the axon
- Capturing the direct and reverse flexoelectric effects that occurs in the neuronal membrane
- Can be potentially used to explain physical phenomena related to the mechano-electrophysiological coupling in neurons, such as membrane deformation during action potential propagation and ultrasound neuromodulation
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Relevant publications
- H. Chen, D. Garcia-Gonzalez and A. Jérusalem. Computational model of the mechanoelectrophysiological coupling in axons with application to neuromodulation. Physical Review E, 99(032406), 2019. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.99.032406